Benoit Larose
I am a mathematics instructor at Champlain Regional College St-Lambert, and a researcher in mathematics and theoretical computer science affiliated to LaCIM, UQAM.J'enseigne les mathématiques au collège Champlain à St-Lambert, et suis chercheur en mathématiques et en informatique théorique, affilié au LaCIM, UQAM.
I am interested in the algorithmic complexity of constraint satisfaction problems, graph homomorphisms, applications of algebra and algebraic topology to these fields; universal algebra, extremal combinatorics.
Je m'intéresse à la complexité algorithmique des problèmes de satisfaction de contraintes, aux homomorphismes de graphes, aux applications de l'algèbre et de la topologie algébrique à ces domaines, ainsi qu'à l'algèbre universelle et à la combinatoire extrémale.
Here are some of my latest publications. The link will take you to my ResearchGate.Quelques publications récentes. Le lien vous mènera à mon profil ResearchGate.
- A. Kunos, , B. Larose, D.E. Pazmiño Pullas: Słupecki digraphs,
submitted.- I. Larivière, B. Larose, D. E. Pazmiño Pullas, Surjective polymorphisms of directed reflexive cycles, Algebra Universalis. 85(4): 1--28, 2024.- B. Larose, P. Markovic, B. Martin, D. Paulusma, S. Smith, S. Zivny, QCSP on Reflexive
Tournaments. ACM Trans. Comput. Log. 23(3): 14:1-14:22, 2022.- R. Briceño, A. Bulatov, V. Dalmau, B. Larose, Dismantlability, connectedness, and mixing
in relational structures. Journal of Combinatorial Theory B, 147: 37-70, 2021.- B. Larose, B. Martin, D. Paulusma, Surjective H-Colouring over Reflexive Digraphs,
ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, Vol. 11, No. 1, 2019.- B. Larose, M. Siggers, NU polymorphisms on reflexive digraphs, SIAM J. Discrete Math., Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 728-749, 2018.
About me/A propos de moi
I obtained a Ph.D. in Pure Mathematics from the Université de Montréal in 1993, under the supervision of Ivo G. Rosenberg. In 1993-1994 I was a post-doc at M.I.T. I've been teaching at Champlain since 1998. I was an adjunct professor at Concordia University from 2000 to 2017, and at UQAM since 2015. I am a member of the editorial boards of the journals Order and Algebra Universalis.
J'ai obtenu un doctorat en mathématiques fondamentales de l'Université de Montréal en 1993, sous la direction d'Ivo G. Rosenberg. En 1993-1994 j'ai été chercheur postdoctoral au M.I.T. J'enseigne à Champlain depuis 1998. J'ai été professeur associé à l'université Concordia entre 2000 et 2017, puis à l'UQAM depuis 2015. Je suis membre du conseil éditorial des revues Order et Algebra Universalis.
My Music
I upload tracks to SoundCloud under the pretty bad pseudonym MathCSP.
The pink cloud below will take you there.
I performed on all tracks; some I've written myself, some are covers of songs I like, others yet are collaborations with fellow musicians. I play guitar, bass, and I pretend
I can also sing. If you click on the title of a track, complete credits will appear.
Steinberg UR44 Audio Interface
Event TR8 Studio Monitors
Cubase 8 Elements
Addictive Drums 2
Alesis Surge Drums
Korg PS60 Synth
MusicMan Stingray 5 HH Fretless Bass
Lakland Skyline 44-01 Bass
Fender Strat (late 70s mij)
Hagstrom Swede 1981
Ibanez Artcore AF-75 Hollowbody
Yamaha LL16 ARE Acoustic
Seagull Coastline S6 Cedar GT Acoustic
Takamine C-132S Classical
Norman 12-string Acoustic
Ibanez M510 Mandolin